Stereo photography has be with us almost as soon as photography was invented. In the 20th century many 35 mm cameras were available using slide film and a seperate viewer. All had relativley small inter lens spacing, that whilst perfect for near objects , gave little or no stereo effect on landscapes. To increase the stereo effect, readily noticcd in binoculars , the interlens spacing must be increased.
This cannot be really called a diy camera, since Fuji made the cameras, but it is the end result taht counts!
The easiest way to provide this function is quite simply, to use two seperate cameras. With everyone constantly upgrading to more Mpix camears, eBay is full of inexpensive 5 Mpix cameras that will provide a perfect solution. In this design, a pair of Fuji E500s were used. The shutter operating mechanism is clearly visible and with careful setting the time difference between firing may be minimised. (not quite up to Formula 1 racing speeds).
Viewing the L and R images (mark the cameras so that you do not get them crossed over), is easily accomplished using the free Z Anaglyph sofware. This then generates a two coolur image, viewed through Red / Green glasses , the results can be quite stunning.
diy cameras P6